External projects
A growing number of sources for Danish art history are being made available online. The list below can serve as an overview and gateway to important collections and publications of source material that are not directly affiliated with the site Primary Sources in Danish Art History (Kilder til dansk kunsthistorie).
Thorvaldsens Museum's large and extensive online archive is not only fundamental to understanding Bertel Thorvaldsen's life and work, but also provides insight into the art of the period 1770-1850.
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts' archive in the Danish National Archives is a cornerstone in Danish art historical research. Parts of the archive have been made available online.
The private archives of brewer J.C. Jacobsen (1811-1887) not only contain rich material on the history of the Carlsberg breweries and the Carlsberg Foundation, but also hold sources of art historical interest.
The database includes the extensive letter archives of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek and the Ny Carlsberg Foundation, including brewer Carl Jacobsen's rich correspondence with artists and archaeologists.
The archive is a documentation center for the work of one of Denmark's most important graphic artists.
The Fluxus festival Festival of Fantastics took place in and around Roskilde over the course of ten days in 1985 and is presented here through a diverse documentation in the form of photographs, films, letters, manuscripts, interviews etc.
Although Henny Glarbo's publication is now more than 80 years old, the book is still useful as a basic introduction to and overview of art historical source material in the Danish National Archives.