Selected source projects have also been published as books in the series Kilder til Dansk Kunsthistorie (Primary Sources in Danish Art History). The series is published by the New Carlsberg Foundation in collaboration with Strandberg Publishing. So far, the following titles have been released (in Danish only):
Sine Krogh og Birgitte Fink: Breve fra London – Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann og den victorianske kunstverden, 2018
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Jesper Svenningsen: Seks år af et liv – Johan Thomas Lundbyes dagbøger om tro, skæbne, kunst og kærlighed, 2018
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Malene Linell Ipsen, Theis Vallø Madsen og Jens Gregersen: Klar blaa luft, let bris fra N – Johannes Larsens dagbøger fra Grønland 1925, 2019
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Hanne Abildgaard: Riddere i Skønhedens Rige. Kunstnertidsskriftet Klingen 1917-1920. Redaktionsgruppens brevveksling, 2020